Investors news

Smart Agro has signed a cooperation agreement with the European Circular Bioeconomy Fund
Smart Agro - Raising capital
The investor conference scheduled for February 22, 2021 to expose the R&D lab of the subsidiary CanBreed will be postponed, in view of the large number of people interested in attending the conference on the one hand, and the current Covid-19 regulations limiting the number of participants on the other hand. Another notice of the new date will be issued shortly. Persons interested in scheduling a Zoom call with the company are invited to e-mail back, or contact us by phone at 054-2681977.
Israeli agritech and seed company CanBreed has built a new farm for research, development and production of the stable cannabis seeds it has developed
Smart Agro – invitation to investor conference on February 22, 2021 at 10:30 (under Covid-19 regulations), at the new facilities of portfolio company CanBreed
Smart Agro: Portfolio company CanBreed has completed development of the world's first stable and genetically-uniform cannabis seeds; marketing of the stable cannabis seeds, which will allow industry standardization, is expected in 2021